15 Songs About Food That Will Make You A Little Hungry

Two worldly pleasures almost everyone can enjoy are music and food; so when the pair join, it can become a magical experience. As great as power-eating steak and eggs to death metal is, we're more talking about when songs explicitly include food. Sometimes a specific dish is a metaphor, at other times just in the track for dramatic effect, but no matter the case, when you hear food in a song, you can't help but be taken back to meals of yore and maybe get a little hungry.
Because everyone should have a playlist marked “songs about eating” we've taken the liberty of compiling a hot list of gustatory tunes you can listen to whenever you want to get in the mood for food.
15The Flying Burrito Brothers - Hot Burrito #1
When you name your band "The Flying Burrito Brothers" you BETTER have a song about burritos. While the song makes it sound like a guy trying to convince a girl that her current boyfriend isn't all that great, the title of the song reveals the true meaning: burritos are more important than any romantic relationship, ever. So much truth.
14Gym Class Heroes - Cookie Jar ft. The-Dream
Here we have another amazing moment in the long history of pop music and the objectification of women, with Gym Class Heroes equating good looking ladies with, well, cookies. Quite literally. Apparently Asians are Oatmeal Raisin, Brazilians are Hazelnut and Caucasian girls are Macadamia. Sure, why not.
13The Supremes - Buttered Popcorn
When you go to the movies, you can't help but order buttered popcorn, and The Supremes understand that. Okay, the dude in this track eats the stuff all day everyday, which can't be good for his cholesterol levels, but at least the ladies of The Supremes are willing to stand by their man despite his horrible eating habits.
12ZZ Top - TV Dinners
No one has really encapsulated the love-hate relationship everyone has with TV dinner better than ZZ Top. Yes, they're convenient, but you totally feel like a scrub eating one, because as ZZ Top points out, they're filled with "Twenty year old turkey in a thirty year old tin." That's the price we pay for convenience.
11The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
The Beatles actually have a few songs featuring food, but Strawberry Fields Forever is easily the most famous. Inspired by Jon Lennon's childhood memories of having fun in an actual garden dubbed Strawberry Field located near his house in Liverpool. And here I thought it was just about tripping in a field, go figure.
10Marcy Playground - Sex And Candy
If there are two things everyone on God's green Earth loves, it's sex and candy. Well, sex and candy AND double cherry pie, which Marcy Playground's iconic track has in spades. Oh, and disco lemonade, which sounds strangely delicious.